Monday, January 14, 2013


Hello all, welcome to the New Year!!! 2013 promises to be a fruitful year so get ready to reap the harvest of 2012. Find below an article that is targeted at bankers but speaks to us all, lets adopt a healthy lifestyle so we can enjoy our hard work.

In simple terms a heart can be described as a pump that keeps blood moving around your body. It delivers oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body, and carries away unwanted carbon dioxide and waste products. A healthy heart is achieved by maintaining a healthy lifestyle therefore, recognize that maintaining a healthy heart means cutting out all the high risk habits in your life. For some people, that could mean making huge changes in all aspects of their daily life including work/career. The Banking sector is seen as a time consuming career which is true however time is relative; a market woman can complain that her trade is time consuming same goes for a fashion designer, engineer and the list goes on. A banker is expected to set priorities at work and home, manage time effectively which will in a long run lead to living a heart healthy life. This might seem like a long shot however it is achievable.
Lifestyle of a banker: The perception of a typical banker's lifestyle is characterized by working very long hours, weekend work, emergency calls to the office as you are expected to be reachable at all time, day and night. This lack of control makes it extremely difficult to schedule time to eat healthy, exercise, and spend time with friends and family to relax. The word perception is used because there is always a way around every situation to suit you. Bankers do not have time or should I say make out time required to give the heart needed attention and care. At work you can make out time by setting your daily and weekly target then have the discipline to follow through. It is a fact that most weekend jobs are fallout of unattended work during the week although there are some exceptions for certain job descriptions that are required to work over weekend. It is quite hard to adopt a heart friendly lifestyle; some people might need support of not only their families but their friends, colleagues and even doctors. Many bankers view changing over to a healthy diet as a major feat, they think they will have to resign themselves to a life of vegetables and chocolate and chip abstinence. I agree it can be difficult to change the habits of a lifetime, but drastic changes may not be required as the mind can be conditioned to adapt to change gradually. Take for instance the work environment; you condition your mind to work early and close late (if necessary) then meet and exceed targets. If this can be done at work then it can be done for health, home and every area of your life. Lets not forget the fact that you can only be available to work when you are healthy because there is no room for excuses when it comes to delivering at work. Therefore it is important to have a healthy heart and body in as a whole.

Reconciling a banker's lifestyle with a healthy heart: In the home front an average banker has a house help/cleaner, laundry man/washing machine that make running the home easy however eliminating every chance of exercising. Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight; as you put on weight in adulthood; your weight gain is mostly fat rather than muscle. This excess weight can lead to conditions that increase chances of heart disease — high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Exercise for 30minutes on most days of the week; this includes activities such as jogging, housekeeping, taking the stairs and regular walks. It is not necessary to exercise strenuously to achieve benefits; small weight loss can be beneficial. Reducing your weight by just 10 percent can decrease your blood pressure, lower your blood cholesterol level and reduce your risk of diabetes. Diet is also important, a heart-healthy diet comprises of foods that are low in fat, cholesterol and salt, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products, which can help protect your heart. Beans, other low-fat sources of protein and certain types of fish also can reduce your risk of heart disease. I have noticed that the only part of the day you own is the morning. Jog on one spot then eat fruits and veggies before you start work for the day. Reduce intake of processed food, eat less salt and fatty food. Try eating baked or grilled fish, minus the skin twice a week; fatty, oily fish in particular are high in omega-3 fatty acids that helps the heart. We are of the impression that it quite hard to get a healthy meal in this country however thanks to the local markets and stores, you can walk in to a variety of fruits and vegetables to pick from. The internet is also available to search healthy recipes in Nigeria.

The BMI (Body Mass Index) is a good, but imperfect guide to determine your weight; the muscle weighs more than fat. Women and men who are very muscular and physically fit can have high BMIs without added health risks. Because of that, waist circumference also is a useful tool to measure how much abdominal fat you have: Men are considered overweight if their waist measurement is greater than 40 inches (101.6 centimeters, or cm). Women are overweight if their waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (88.9 cm). Emphasis is made on BMI check because of the importance of weight, a slim person might not have a healthy BMI while everyone looks at a big person as unhealthy. The measurement above will help keep a healthy weight and heart.

There are several simple lifestyle changes you can make today to keep your heart healthy and decrease your risk of heart disease. Maintain a healthy weight, calculate your BMI and talk to your doctor to determine if you should lose weight. Adopt a healthy diet rich in important nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Get regular health screenings: Blood pressure, Cholesterol levels and Diabetes screening. Stay active by engaging in regular physical activity like walking or biking. Find healthy ways to keep stress in check like dancing, taking up a hobby or engaging in sport. Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke. A banker can maintain a heart healthy lifestyle and still perform optimally at work. It takes determination, discipline and proper time management.

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